If Your Plants Are Stressed, Weak, Or Near Death, Scientists Say Do This One Thing Now Before It’s Too Late!
If you’ve ever walked into your grow room and found yourself in an emergency…
You see pale leaves or droopy flowers
Or an essential part of your hydroponics gardening system, like a pump, has failed and your plants are being starved to death…
Then, you’ll want to put this one scientific discovery to work for you right away…
Advanced Scientific Testing Discovers The Number One Thing You Should Do When Your Plants Are In Danger…
The team of scientists, researchers and plant chemists at Advanced Nutrients has spent many years studying the problems facing the types of plants we grow and the gardens we grow them in.
They discovered many things can go wrong during a crop cycle that could cause a large percentage of your plants to never make it… and in the process… hack away at the value of your entire harvest.
What they also uncovered was that in a grow room emergency; TIME is the biggest threat to your plants survival!
It’s a fact, the quicker you act to save your plants, the more likely you are to save them… just like… an accident victim is much more likely to survive if they can get into the Emergency Room as soon as possible and begin being treated.
But how you go about trying to save your plants is just as important as doing it quickly…
Heal Your Plants And Give Them The Best Chance Of Survival With This Specific Formula…
After hundreds of different tests and experiments with our types of plants in a variety of hydroponics garden types including rockwool, coco coir, aeroponics and soil this team of scientists determined a specific blend of nutrients and healing ingredients… delivered as fast as possible… is the best way to ensure your plants survive and rejuvenate when they’re in trouble.
After extensive research, experimentation and extensive testing, the team at Advanced Nutrients developed their exclusive REVIVE formula.
REVIVE is an easy to use formula that works with all types of gardens… can be added to your hydroponics solutions or used in a foliar spray… AND… is specifically created to rejuvenate the types of high-value plants we grow.
The proprietary formula rushes highly-chelated iron, zinc, calcium, nitrogen and other crucial nutrients directly into your plant’s cells to give them the maximum healing power they need…
These healing ingredients go to work immediately with your plants and…
Rejuvenating substances race into your roots, pumping them full of healing nutrition!
They thrust up into your stems and leaves, then flood them with nutrients!
New flowers and buds bloom… and… current flowers plump up juicy and larger than ever!
And now, you can finally relax because you don’t have to worry about losing your crops… and instead… you can focus on the huge harvest you were afraid was about to be lost.
Just how effective is REVIVE at diverting potentially harvest killing situations?
Read this short letter sent in about a customer’s recent experience with REVIVE…
Can You Really Afford To Take Chances With Your Crops?
Even if you’ve never experienced growing problems before, experts agree, it pays to be safe!
Instead of waiting for something to happen, the grand master growers we interviewed recommended buying a supply of REVIVE to keep on hand in case of any emergencies.
After all, it’s smart to keep a first aid kit in your house in case you need it… and… if you’re anything like us, you care about your plants health just as much (maybe even more!) than your own.
So it’s only logical to have a “first aid kit” ready for your plants too…
After all, every single harvest is valuable and you put a lot of time, money and effort into getting the biggest, heaviest most productive harvests possible… so it only makes sense… to protect what you’ve worked so hard to build!
What’s more: grand master growers everywhere know that investing in REVIVE has absolutely no downside! That’s because you can try it totally and completely risk-free.
Here’s how…
Revive Will Help Save Your Crops Or It’s Free!
That’s right, Advanced Nutrients is so confident that you’ll get better growing results when using REVIVE that they will give you the product absolutely FREE if it doesn’t work for you.
How can they do that?
Simple. They offer a 100% money-back guarantee with all their products. Either it works for you exactly as described or you get every penny of your hard-earned money back.
Which means, if REVIVE doesn’t work for you, you will have essentially gotten the product for free.
(Although, it is our personal belief and the 100% conviction of the Advanced Nutrients team that you will get the results you’re looking for… and… you will never have to ask for your money back, ever, because you will be so overjoyed with your results.)
Here’s the guarantee, in the founder’s own words:

How You Can Put This Plant Saving Miracle To Work For You Too…
Here’s how you can start using REVIVE absolutely risk-free in your home today…
If you are currently experiencing sometime of grow room emergency, then there is no time to waste!
Simply go to your nearest dealer who carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you need REVIVE right away.
Either way, you’ll be able to immediately go home and…
Rescue your plants immediately!
Give them the nutrients and healing energy they need to recover!
And cut down your crop losses starting this crop cycle and every cycle from here on!
Even if you’re not facing an emergency right now, remember, it pays to be safe and you should get a supply of REVIVE as quickly as possible. Think of it as a “first aid kit” for your valuable plants.
Remember, you risk absolutely nothing!
Either REVIVE works for you or you get all your money back… so… if your plants are failing, the most logical thing to do is immediately put REVIVE by Advanced Nutrients to work right away.
FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
Revive was designed specifically to tackle the nutrient deficiencies that lead to yellow plant syndrome.
Hydroponics: Use 5 ml per Litre to correct deficiencies. Repeat after 1 week if necessary.
Foliar Spray: Use 3 mL per Litre. Repeat after 1 week if necessary.
As A Regular Feeding Program: Use 1 mL per Litre. Repeat after one week if necessary.
Conversions: 1 Teaspoon = 5mL | 1 Tablespoon = 15 mL | 1 Ounce = 30mL | 1 Cup = 240 mL