Humidistat with light cell


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Automatically control dehumidification during the night

Rising humidity, especially during the lights off period, can become a real problem when you’re deep into flower. Excess humdity can lead to internal flower rot and a big loss in yields. When using the Opticlimate humidistat, these worries are a thing of the past.

  • Use with the Opticlimate to perfect humidity
  • Operates using a light sensor so it can tell the difference between night and day
  • Simple to install
  • Automatically compensates for low or high humidity levels


1x Opticlimate Humidistat with Light Cell. Comes with 4.8 metres of cable and all fittings.

Power consumption: 20w

How the Opticlimate Humidistat with Light Cell Works:

The humidistat adjusts via the in-built sensor the difference between night and day, during the dark period humidity levels can spike, the sensor picks up on this change and engages the Opticlimate to correct the deficiency or excess humidity in the air.

By using the light cell, the night hours are detected so that the humidistat does not need to be connected to a timer. It should be noted that if co2 is added the excess co2 will also be drawn from the air.

Using the Opticlimate Humidistat with Light Cell:

The Opticlimate Humidistat needs to be wired into the motherboard of the Opticlimate unit, this might sound complicated but its very simple. Unscrew the face plate off the Opticlimate which will show the circuits.

The humidistat comes with tags on each wire showing where they connect onto the circuit. Simply insert these into the corresponding fittings making not of the numbers on the wires and the motherboard.

Keep the unit turned off at this time then turn back on once fully fitted.

Additional information

Weight1 kg