Fabric Pot 56l


  • Air Pruning – The fabric pot naturally air prunes your plant’s roots. When the roots hit the side of the fabric pot, they detect air through the fabric. That tells the plant to focus on expanding the root system instead of circling a few roots around the edge of the container. This encourages vigorous plant growth and discourages root binding and root circulation.
  • Soil Aeration – Breathable fabric pots offer optimal conditions to allow essential air flow into your soil. This allows your roots to stay healthy and to properly use the available nutrients in your soil or soilless media.
  • Superb Drainage – Proper drainage is KEY (as you know). Water logged soil is a recipe for disaster. Fabric pots fight root rot and other damaging factors by allowing the plant to maintain an appropriate amount of water volume and moisture.
  • Beneficial Bacteria – Many growers are concerned with cultivating microbes! They encourage plant growth as they eat (yes, eat) the naturally occurring organic matter throughout your media. In return for the yummy meal, they provide food for your plant as a natural byproduct. Fabric pots allow for those bacteria to thrive. The same concept works for fungi like mycorrhizal, too.
  • Keep It Cool – Fabric pots keep your soil cooler than clay or plastic because of the breathability of the fabric. It will keep your roots cooler where traditional pots can’t.
  • Flush Away! – Over fertilizing can be a devastating issue. The ability to properly flush your growing media is obviously important. Imagine flushing your plants without the worry of root rot. Fabric pots lessen the chance of root rot by allowing your soil to breathe and drain properly.